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Here you can learn all about how gender is used in Spanish

In Spanish each word has is own gender.

A word can be masculine or feminine

When you use other words around a word,like adjectives (describing words) or articles (words like the, a) the gender has to match

Words in Spanish will begin with el, la, los or las - depending on their gender.

This table shows how to tell the gender of a word and use it.

Masculine Nouns English translation Feminine Nouns English translation
Singular el perro the dog la casa the house
Plural los perros the dogs las casas the houses

This table shows that words that end in -o are typically masculine, whereas words that end in -a are feminine.

However there are also words that do not have these endings which have genders such as:

    Masculine words

  1. el hombre - the man
  2. el coche - the car
  3. el reloj - the clock

    Feminine words

  1. la mujer - the woman
  2. la television - the televison
  3. la flor - the flower

These words either are defined by the subject of their gender, for example: the word 'el hombre' means 'the man', which would be masculine as it is describing a man, whereas 'la mujer' is feminine as it decribes a woman.

However some words you have to memorise the gender of these words as you learn them.